The pictures were taken throughout the year of 2013 with people who were demonstrating in the streets of Lisbon against the austerity policies implemented by the government of that time, in keeping with the directives imposed by the so-called ”Troika”. The different characters appear without any evident context and practically stripped of any social references, so what we can easily focus only what is essential, their faces, which reveal their intimate thoughts, their sadness, their despondency, and the abandonment and betrayal of which they feel themselves to be defenseless victims.
These images of anonymous citizens, in which an attempt has been made to highlight their singularity as representatives of a cross section of the community, displayed an enormous hardness that extrapolated the individual and which might, in reality, embody a certain moment in the life of a large part of our society and country. What was initially intended to be a thematic approach to the art of the portrait, in the context of street photography, ended up becoming a documental project.
The 120 photographs that are part of the project “Remember” were exhibited at Centro Cultural de Belém, Lisbon, between July and September 2019.